

主题:Economic Analysis of Unexpected Events

Geoffrey J. D. Hewings,美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校教授



摘要: The presentation addresses ways in which existing sub-national economic models can be made more flexible to address short- and longer-run information needs in the aftermath of unexpected events such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados or severe flooding.  In the short-run, there is an urgent need to provide an assessment of the damages – both to productive systems and infrastructure – to public agencies charged with responsibility for coordinating federal, state and local responses.  In the longer-run, there is a need to provide guidelines on possible alternative re-development paths based on generally accepted criteria about the optimal deployment of critical resources.  In addition to concerns about “disaggregating” the time paths, there is an equally important spatial consideration: how can appropriate levels of information be provided at critical spatial scales (state, community, neighborhoods) in a timely manner so that there is a consistent space-time recovery strategy?  The presentation draws on research conducted in REAL over the past 20 years on the assessment of floods, earthquakes and hurricanes.

附专家简介Geoffrey J. D. Hewings,区域经济学应用实验室(REAL)的教授和主任,美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校教授,美国华盛顿大学博士。主要研究领域为:地理与区域经济学、都市与区域规划等。在国际专业期刊上发表了百余篇具有广泛影响的论文,著书14部,参与70多部著作的编著。2003年,被授予“怀特艾萨德突出学者成就奖”,同时国际区域科学协会以其名字命名设立“Geoffrey J. D. Hewings”,以奖励有突出贡献的年轻学者。