

讲座内容:Asset Redeployability and Future Stock Price Crashes

讲座教师:YangYangChen,Assistant Professor

School of Accounting and Finance,Hong Kong Polytechnic University




Abstract: Asset redeployability refers to the salability of the corporate capital assets of the firm. On the

one hand, greater asset redeployability comes with the liquidity benefits which shouldenhance financial stability and reduce future stock price crash risk. On the other hand, assetredeployability facilitates managers’ opportunistic use of asset sales to engage in upward realearnings management to hide bad news, which, in turn, increases future stock crash risk. Wefind that on average, asset redeployability is positively associated with stock price crash risk,suggesting that the use of redeployable assets to engage upward real earnings management isan important issue that adversely affects shareholders. Consistent with real earningsmanagement being a channel that explains the positive association between assetredeployability and stock price crash risk, we find that this association is stronger for firmsthat have greater internal and external pressure to engage in earnings management. In furtheranalyses that support the real earnings management channel, we find that assetredeployability is associated with a higher likelihood of just meeting or beating analystforecasts and recording of gains from asset sales. Our paper contributes to the literature byproviding evidence of a possible dark side of asset redeployability driven by the pressure onmanagers to hide bad news.

Keywords: Asset redeployability; Stock price crash risk; Bad news hoarding; Asset sales



2015-present Assistant Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Hong Kong, China

2011-2015 Lecturer and Senior Lecturer, Monash University, Australia


2011,Ph.D. in Finance, University of Melbourne, Australia

2006,Master of Commerce in Finance, University of Melbourne,Australia

2005,Master of Applied Commerce in Accounting, University ofMelbourne, Australia

2003,Bachelor of Economics, Beijing Technology and BusinessUniversity, China


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