

讲座内容Labor Cost Stickiness and Managerial Decisions on Human Capital Adjustment
内容摘要:Motivated by labor theories in economics, we posit that the adjustment in human capital accounts for a significant part of labor cost stickiness. Using employee education level as a measure of human capital, we present evidence consistent with our conjecture. Labor cost changes driven by the adjustment in employee education level are stickier comparing to those driven by the adjustment in employee number. Additional evidence from a battery of robustness checks and cross-sectional tests rules out alternative explanations of our results. Overall, this study extends the economic theory of sticky cost by providing evidence on how human capital adjustment drives labor cost stickiness.
一项,在《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《金融研究》、Energy Economics等国内外重要期刊发表论文多篇,另有多篇论文已被Journal of Business Finance and Accounting,European Accounting Review,Contemporary Accounting Research接收即将发表。主要研究成果如下:
[1]Liu, S., Y. Dai and D. Kong, "Does It Pay to Communicate with Firms?", Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Revise and Resubmit (3rd Round).
[2]Han, B., D. Kong and S. Liu, "Do Analysts Gain an Informational Advantage by Visiting Listed Companies", Contemporary Accounting Research, Conditionally Accepted.
[3]Dai, Y., D. Kong and S. Liu, "Returnee Talent and Corporate Investment: Evidence from China", European Accounting Review, 2016, Accepted.
[4].Ye, D., S. Liu and D. Kong, “Do Efforts on Energy Saving Enhance Firm Values?”, Energy Economics, 2013, 40. (SSCI, 影响因子:2.54).
[8]孔东民、刘莎莎、应千伟,公司行为中的媒体角色:激浊扬清还是推波助澜,《管理世界》, 2013年第7期。