讲座内容:Loan-loss Provisioning and Earnings Smoothing by US Banks Before and After SAB102
讲座老师:顾俊博士 香港岭南大学财务保险系
1. Wang, X. P. Zhang and J. Gu, 2009, Information Environment, Timing of Annual Reports and Earnings Management, Nankai Business
Review, 2009(05) (in Chinese) ;
2. Wang X., J. Gu, 2009, The Influence of Timeliness of Annual Report from Management Disclosure: An Empirical Study, Review of
Corporate Governance, 2009(02) (in Chinese) ;
3. Wang, X. W. Chen and J. Gu, 2008, Signal Effect from the Timeliness of Annual Reports, Accounting Research, 2008(12) (in Chinese) ;
4. Wang, X. W. Chen and J. Gu, 2008, Reliability of Information, Disclosure Management and Optimization of Resource Allocation,
China Certificated Public Accountant, 2008(06) (in Chinese).