

讲座内容Investor Risk Aversion and Corporate Diversification:

   Evidence from a Natural Experiment







We employ China’s split share structure reform (SSSR) as a natural experiment to examine whether investors’ risk aversion affects firm diversification. Initially the controlling shareholders of Chinese listed firms were prohibited from selling off their holdings through public trading, and this restriction was later lifted through the SSSR. We predict that as the SSSR grants more opportunities to diversify through financial markets, the controlling shareholders have less need to rely on firm diversification to reduce risk. We also predict that this effect of the SSSR should be concentrated on private firms (non-SOEs), rather than state owned enterprises (SOEs), whose controlling shareholders have substantial personal wealth tied to the firms they control. Consistent with these predictions, we find that subsequent to the SSSR, non-SOEs restructure their businesses to reduce the scope and degree of diversification. And along with this change, these firms also display higher fundamental risk and increased industry-relatedness among their segments. We also find the increases in firm value (Tobin’s Q) that are associated with reduced diversification. In contrast, the effects of the SSSR are dampened or even non-existent for SOEs. Our evidence suggests that investors’ risk aversion is a significant force shaping a firm’s boundary.




靳庆鲁教授专注于制度、体制改革与公司会计及财务问题研究。自2005年以来,主持国家自然科学基金4项,教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目3项,其他省部级科研项目9项。在国内外期刊共发表论文31篇,其中国内权威期刊17篇(包括《经济研究》5篇,《经济学》(季刊)4篇);国际知名期刊论文9篇;国际顶尖会计学期刊论文5篇。研究成果入选国家自然科学基金委年度报告,荣获Chicago Quantitative Alliance (CQAsia) Academic Competition一等奖、上海市育才奖、宝钢优秀教师奖、上海哲学社会科学优秀成果二等奖、上海财经大学学术奖、上海财经大学教书育人标兵、上海财经大学师德标兵等奖项