|  | 姓名:彭岚 |  | 职称:Associate Professor |  | 电子邮箱:peng888lan@qq.com |  | 研究领域:Auditing History,Accounting History(Archival,Case,Empirical) |  | 讲授课程:Modern Financial Management
|  |
 | 研究成果 |
| 序号 | 成果类别 | 成果名称 | 时间 | 发表刊物或出版社 | 1 | 论文 | The Chinese Accounting Reformation of the 1930s | 2017年5月 | UK: Accounting History Review(the first author) |
论文 |
Uniform Accounting System about Ruijin Era: A Glorious Model with Worldwide Influenc |
2016年3月 |
Beijing:Accounting Research(the third co-author) |
3 |
论文 |
A Decade of Hybrid Reporting and Accountabilities of the Hanyeping Company (1909-1919) | 2016年4月 | UK:Business History(the first author),SSCI(Q1) |
4 |
论文 |
The Milieu of Accountability of Early Companies in the Qīng Dynasty | 2015年2月 | UK: Accounting History Review(the first author) |
5 |
论文 |
A Global History of Accounting, Financial Reporting and Public Policy: Asia and Oceania.Chapter of China | 2011年10月 | London: Emerald Group Publishing Limited(the fourth co-author) |
 | 获奖情况 |
| 序号 | 类别 | 成果名称 | 评奖单位名称 | 获奖级别 | 获奖等次 | 获奖时间 | 1 | 著作 | 世界会计史 财务报告和公共政策(亚洲卷)中国篇[Outstanding Author Contribution Award(Emerald Literati Network 2013 Awards for Excellence)]
| London: Emerald Group Publishing Limited | 杰出作者贡献奖 | 特等奖(the fourth co-author) | 2013年6月 |
2 文章 The Chinese Accounting Taylor&Francis Group 最佳论文 特等奖 2020年1月
Reformation of the 1930s Accounting History Review (第一作者)