

讲座题目: The Driving Forces of U.S.Venture Capital Investments

讲座人:宁宜希 美国休士敦大学维多利亚分校商学院






“Does Optimal Corporate Board Size Exist, An Empirical Analysis?” (with W. Davidson and J. Wang), Journal of Applied Finance, 2010 (20), 57-69.

“Board Composition after Mergers, Does the Market care?” (with H. Wang, S. Sakr, and W. Davidson), Journal of Empirical Finance, 2010 (17), 837-851.

“Earnings Management and the Pricing of New Debt” (with Y. Liu, and W. Davidson), the Financial Review, 2010 (45), 659-681.

“Large Changes in Board Size, Corporate Governance, and Firm Value” (with M. Metghalchi, and J. Du), Corporate Ownership and Control, Winter 2009 (7), 440-450.

“Validation of Moving Average Trading Rules: Evidence from Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan” (with M. Metghalchi, and J. Du), Multinational Business Review, 2009(17), 101-122

“Too Busy To Show Up? An Analysis of Directors’ Absences” (with P. Jiraporn, et al.), Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 2009 (49), 1159-1171.

“Transformation of Chinese State-owned Enterprises: Challenges and Responses” (With J. Wang, et al.), Multinational Business Review, 2009(17), 99-121

“The Antecedents of Simultaneous Appointments to CEO and Chair” (with W. Davidson, et al.), Journal of Management and Governance, 2008 (12), 381-401.

“The Deregulatory Effects of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 on the Broadcasting Industry: Expectations vs. Reality “(with Y. Cao, and K. Zhong), Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2008 (27): 238-261.

“The Influence of Executive Age, Career Horizon, Incentives, and Forced Departures on Pre-Turnover Earnings Management” (with W. Davidson, et al.), Journal of Management and Governance, 2007 (11): 45-60.

“The Variability of Board Size Determinants, An Empirical Analysis” (with W. Davidson and K. Zhong), Journal of Applied Finance, Fall/Winter 2007: 46-61

 “Does Capital Structure Affect Institutional Investor Choices” (with S. Tong), Journal of Investing, Winter 2004: 53-66.

“Competition for Board Seats Following Stock-for-Stock Mergers” (with W. Davidson and S. Sakr), Journal of Financial Research, Spring 2004: 55-73.